Monday, May 31, 2010

I love you, my precious, Baron.

baron, my giveaway, kids 003 baron, class example, makes 013

We lost our “baby”  this morning, he was our family’s best friend for almost 15 years.  Our hearts are overwhelmed with sadness~  I can’t believe that he is gone.  He used to lick my tears, now I shed them for him.

There is a special place for you  in heaven and I pray that you are feeling comfort now. 

We had to say goodbye, I looked into his eyes until his last breath and wrapped him in my arms and kissed him. 

I love you so much, you took a piece of us with you when you left.  You are such a good boy, we will always love and cherish you.  Thank you for being by our side for so long, a constant protector and loyal companion. 

My good boy, precious and sweet Baron,  how I miss you. 


Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Oh I am so so sorry for your loss. We lost our sheltie Ginger last May and we went through this awful pain of loss you describe. Your Baron was a good and true dear heart who loved you dearly as you love him. I think, unless someone has loved a dog, they do not know the true meaning of loyalty...Your Baron gave you all. I weep with you...sending you big hugs,

deb famularo said...

oh Christina,
my heart breaks for you- I am so very sorry. I know Baron had a beautiful hone with you, and I believe his spirit will always still be with you. That never dies.
Sending you lots of love .........
and huge hugs. i love you sweet friend........xoxo

LuLu Kellogg said...

I am so sorry sweetheart....I send you love and many many hugs during this difficult time.


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

I am crying with you. I know all too well the loss you feel. Your sweet Baron is playing with all his new found friends at Rainbow Bridge. You will be reunited one day.

I am saying a prayer to St. Frances for Baron and will include him in my next note to the Sisters of St. Frances.


Paulette Kinney/Paper Nosh said...

Oh how my heart aches for you. But you know Baron will always be with you and I have to keep in my prayers that when we pass we can see our beloved companions again. I know that my MuffinMan and Shelby will be waiting for me as well as your darling & sweet Baron. I'm sending hugs and kisses to you also. xoxo, paulette

GardenOfDaisies said...

Oh Christina, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Baron. Sending you hugs.

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

My heart is so with you girl.
Loosing a fur member of the family is hard.
I'm praying that your sadness lift soon and may you only remember happy thoughts of Baron and smile :)

Claudia said...

I am so, so sorry. My pets are my children and I know how devastating it is to lose one. What a sweet face Baron had. Bless you in this time of loss.


Malisa said...

Oh, this post breaks my heart! How lucky Baron was to have such a loving family and how lucky your family was to have such a faithful friend! Thanks for sharing your photos and sweet words!


Lorraine said...

Oh my sweet I candy, I cry with you and yours for Baron, I've lost my German Sheppard years ago, he was old and it was time. It hurt...I had a dream, years later, where I found myself in a building (the one where my father resided when he was dying) and I suddenly felt the loss of my Benny, my German Sheppard, and I remember looking fr him everywhere, and suddenly the elevator door opened, and My Bennie appeared to me and I could hear his thoughts and he nudged me and I heard that he was happy, and not lost, happier than he had ever been, and he nudged me again, went back in the elevator, and the door closed. He told me he was so happy and I remember clearly his tail wagging a mile a minute. There is a doggie heaven, have no fear xxx
love and hugs to you and your prince and your daughter said...

Ahhh.... my heart hurts for you. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet... a huge part of your family. May he be blessed and may you remember all the good times... sweet Baron!


Anonymous said...

God Bless Baron...I know he is in that park in heaven...I just know he is! A big hug to you...loosing such a dear and faithful companion is so very sad. I am so sorry.....Eden.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry.

lilylovekin said...

I'm so sorry about your loss. We have two pets that I can't imagine life without. My heart goes out to you during this painful time for you and your family. May the memories of Baron help ease your hurt.

Signs and Salvage said... sorry to hear about your prayers are with you...

Lots of Love,


Good Girls Studio said...

Sorry for your loss my dear! Praying you & your family find peace during this time!

Draffin Bears said...

Dear Sweet Christina,

Sending big hugs and love to you my friend.
I know the heartbreak of loosing such a special member of the family.
I am so sorry and hope that as time passes, the pain and sorrow will be less.
May you find comfort, remembering all the happy memories you had with Baron.

Carolyn xo

Anonymous said...

Hi honey....our sweet Bear Bear looks so precious in these photos. We loved him, too, and we love our Diesel, our silly granddog, as well. God bless all of you, and remember that Baron is with Wicket and Hans, Poinky and Jessa and ......all of our pets........Love, Mom

Stephanie said...

oh i'm so sorry. i couldn't even imagine if i lost my dog right now. i'm guessing this could help - think about all the positive memories that Baron has given the family!

Fifi Flowers said...

What a lovely furry face.. sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner! You must have been devastated! I'm so so sorry!! Hang on to all the sweet memories he left behind and hold them dear! big hugs!!

Holly said...

Oh dear, I am so sorry to hear about this! I can't even imagine how heartbreaking it must be to watch your sweet companion take his last breath. Your sadness is only a testament to how loving and devoted you were to him, and I'm sure he had an amazing life with your family. You should feel good about yourself for giving him such a safe, wonderful place to live his life. My thoughts will be with you, friend.

A Fanciful Life said...

I'm so sorry about your beloved Baron. Our animals are truly a part of our family. I still tear up when thinking of some of mine that are no longer with me. He will be so missed but - cherish the many memories of your time together. He was certainly lucky to have you for a companion.

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said...

I'm so sorry about your dog. I know how hard it is to lose a pet (a family member).

red.neck chic said...

Oh - I am so sorry for your loss. They really are our kids and family members - and I know you will miss your dear Baron.

Love and Hugs coming your way!


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